As a music lover, setting up a record label would be one of the greatest achievements made. Setting up an independent record label is a tremendous step taken in the right direction; a record label with an aim of discovering and improving young talents while earning profit based on contractual agreements made.
- Choose A Name
The selection of a name for any industry or business agency is a very vital initiative. Selection of a name with catchy thesis as well as a name that is easy to recall plays a pivotal role in the success of the agency or business enterprise.
- Aesthetic
A brand aesthetic is very essential in creating a cohesive and recognisable identity for the label. Take into consideration the visual aspect of the brand such as the logo, colour, scheme, and the entire design style which should align with the label’s mission and vision.
- Website and Social Media
The creation of an engaging website to earn a dedicated fan base is very crucial in the establishment of a successful record label. Social media platforms like Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook and the like with their signed artists.
- Trademark
A trademark is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognisable sign, design or expression that identifies a product or a service. A record label having a registered trademark would differentiate it from all other businesses including competitive record labels.
- Register With a Pro
Registering with a pro suggests that registering applicants should have qualifications such as the provision of essential services including the licensing of the organisation by a government registration body or a jurisdictional licensing entity recognized by a governmental body that regularly verifies the accuracy of its data. PRO registration (Performance Rights Organisations) account and song registration help to ensure that songs are registered.
- Find a Distributor
Having a distributor makes the work easier as it would be distributed to various music platforms and music portals not only locally but also globally.
- Find Artists To Sign
Embarking in talent hunts help in the discovery of new talents. It could be the discovery of underground artists or talents yet to be nurtured and crafted. There should be the organising of various talent shows to bring out individuals with unique characteristics and qualities in the musical artistry which aligns with the vision of the record label.
- Understanding Record Label Contracts
The aspiring CEO should have a solid idea about various deals in the recording of music. Having a good knowledge of the different types of recording deals or contracts helps one to know on what to accept and refuse and who to sign in and deny.
written by Ruth Ama Onumah